Submit Your Reviews & Feedback We Greatly Appreciate Your Reviews and Feedback Submit Reviews & Feedback By submitting this review, you acknowledge and agree that your feedback may be used for marketing purposes and in employee performance reviews. We value your input and appreciate your participation in helping us improve our services.Who is Being Reviewed? Kamisha (therapist) Hana (therapist) Carol (therapist) Kenedi (therapist) The ratings are on a scale of 1-5. 1: Highly Dissatisfied, 2: Dissatisfied, 3: Neutral, 4: Satisfied, 5: Highly SatisfiedName of person completing this form: First Last Support Given to Assist with Meeting Goals: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Usefulness of Session Activities/Exercises: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Progress Made During the Sessions: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Comfort of Client with Therapist: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Therapist's Punctuality: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Therapist's Communication Skills: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Overall Satisfaction with the Therapist: 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Do you feel that your child's speech has improved since starting therapy? Yes No Not Sure Are you satisfied with the progress you have made so far? 1: Highly Dissatisfied 2: Dissatisfied 3: Neutral 4: Satisfied 5: Highly Satisfied Would you recommend our speech therapy services to others? Yes No Not Sure Comments and Suggestions:Please share any comments, concerns, or suggestions for improvement regarding your speech therapy sessions. Your feedback is important to us and will help us enhance your therapy experience.Would you like to be contacted to discuss your review? Yes No Email PhoneCAPTCHA We serve clients in their homes, daycares, and after-school programs in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona. We provide in-person and teletherapy services depending on the needs of the clients. Request an Appointment Serving With In-Home Speech Therapy Serving With In-Home Speech Therapy